After 2 years away, the Renishaw Subbuteo Collectors Fair is back!

The last collectors fair to be held at Renishaw was way back on Sunday the 1st of November 2021, so the excitement is at fever pitch for this coming Sunday’s event.

Collectors of Subbuteo from all over the UK will be heading to Renishaw to join event organiser Paul Lloyd who has assembled a brilliant selection of traders who will fill the hall and offer collectors a wide choice of Subbuteo items. Paul, himself has been painting Subbuteo teams for many years and will be offering well over 100 of his latest works of art at the event, so I'm sure you will find your favourite team on his table. Also in attendance will be one of the biggest Heavyweight team collectors in the UK, Mark Skellon who hosts Skell's Subbuteo Showcase on Facebook, where he shows his extensive collection on a daly basis with great photo's and facts about each team. Mark will be selling a good selection of teams at the fair, but to give you a glimpse of what he has in his collection just follow the link.

If your a painter, solo player, stadium builder, collector of old or modern Subbuteo, then there will be something at the collectors fair for you. Come along and enjoy a day of Subbuteo heaven. See event poster for all details.