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FISTF World Cup Press Coverage

Updated: 3 days ago

Did you miss the World Cup press coverage? It was so well receieced check it all out here.

Wednesday 18th of September

The Sun

Friday 20th of September 2024

We were also featured on Greatest Hits Radio, But we can't find the audio

We were also featured on the BBC News Channel, But we can't find the footage

Saturday 21st of September 2024

We were also mentioned on GB News, But we can't find the audio or footage

Sunday 22nd of September 2024

Monday 23rd of September 2024

The Times

Mirror Website

The Guardian Newsletter Quote of the day

Tuesday 24th of September 2024

Wednesday 25th of September 2024

Sunday 28th of September 2024

The Borneo Post (and other similar worldwide newspapers)

Il Tirreno

Sunday 29th of September 2024


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