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Subbuteo Old School on Bank Holiday Monday


What better way to spend a bank holiday, than to come together to play Subbuteo Old School. Nine players, no polishing rituals and time for 8 games each of 12 minutes each way! 😀

The Solent massive made the trip, and it was also a family affair with Alex Fenton joining his Dad (Lee), and Andy Moreton also making his debut, joining brother Steve.

The combination of unpolished bases and original Subbuteo (big) balls made for plenty of unique situations. Check out some clips of the action below...

Lee (The Voice ) Fenton doubled up as cameraman and vocalist, going through his rendition of sports theme tunes as he filmed the games. By time he got to Simon scoring whilst playing Chelsea, he'd gone through football theme tunes and was onto a rendition of Wimbledon! 🤪

When he realised he was about the start the theme tune of Mastermind, he decided to focus on the camerawork! 😅 ...Jason with a nice finish here😎

Steve tries a for a spectacular 'one-two', which turned into a failed 'one-two-three' 🙄

Also, check out the application of the rule where the defending player can flick a block as soon at the attacking player has flicked their figure.

Andy having a respectable first outing, finishes off a nice move. Notice how the ball appears to hit the defending figure. Nigel (the defending player) said it never touched it. These old Subbuteo big balls roll where they will, and stop where they want! 😅

Lunch happened!

Malcolm sees off a direct free-kick, with a four-man wall! 😎😎😎😎

Playing with an Old School ball brings special moments! 😂

Jason Christopher played for England in the 2022 Old Rules World Cup. This is how to addle his mind. First you play maverick defence and get a dogdy decision from the cameraman acting up as ref. Then you do a foul, with two further finger fouls in one move. Finally, you pick up his goalkeeper by mistake. End result, he places the ball on the centre-spot and awards you a goal! 😀😂

Not quite caught on camera. A goal from a corner using the corner kicker! Would've been goal of the month! 😣😄

For those of you who missed the action, here's the replay...!

Here are the results...

This meant Jason pipped Simon for the win.



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