Do YOU want to serve your country? Do YOU want to make England proud? If that’s you then the ESA needs volunteers like YOU to help them at the ElanD Cables World Cup on the weekend of 20th – 23rd September 2024 in Tunbridge Wells!
The ESA are looking to recruit an ‘army’ of volunteers to help with ‘on the ground’ support such as:
Setting up/pack down tables and pitches.
Security’ – keeping an eye on players personal belongings while they play.
Social Media ( See below for more)
Customer service - being a noticeable figure at the Eland Cables World Cup to help with any players requests, runners for results etc.
Social Media volunteers, will need access to the latest version of the following apps on either Android or iOS: Facebook, Facebook Business, X (formally Twitter), Instagram and Youtube. You need to be able to provide your own devices and be able to freely get around Tunbridge Wells while being available in Tunbridge Wells from Friday the 19th of September until and including Sunday 22rd of September 2024. You will also be needed on social media in the lead up to the event and after..
If that is YOU, then please contact either ESA board members Stewart Grant (social media & photography) or Ben Staples (everything else) on the following email addresses with the subject field of ‘ESA volunteer’.
Stewart: stewart,grant83@yahoo.co.uk
With your help, we can make this the best Eland Cables World Cup there has ever been and you can join us being there when it comes home!